Barry's Model Railroad

Barry's Model Railroad

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Couple New Additions

September was a slow month for the indoor layout, but there are a couple of additions to report. The first is a fruit and veggie stand located on the road that runs in front of farmer Smiths house. A car has stopped in front of the house and the occupants have gotten out to check out the produce.

The second is a birthday party for Johnathan held in the backyard. The party is in full swing complete with balloons and party goers. We all wish John a Happy Birthday.

I have plans and buildings on order to enhance the median across from Grand Central Station with a gazebo and people enjoying the view. Also I will be putting a federal style house near the station to spike the job of a second residential area just south of the station. A trucking company will be added to the area near the lumber yard. so there is a lot on the horizon.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

And Now I Have A Bus Station

I searched for a while because Walthers didn't have this item in stock anymore and couldn't say if or when they would be getting anymore. I found one at Junction Valley Railroad in Bridgeport Michigan. It was just what I needed to go with my layout. I still need to define the road a bit better. I placed it in front of and to one side of Grand Central Station.The plan is to add a residential street behind the Bus Station.