The Ann Arbor GP38 that broke down has been repaired and will soon be back in service. This time the repair did not cost as much as the last GP38 that broke down. I am encouraged by the cost this time and I will most certainly bring future repairs to Brasseur Electric Trains in downtown Saginaw Michigan.
This is an accounting of my attempts at model railroads N scale and HO or OO. I find it to be a lot of fun. I concentrate my efforts on The New York Central, Ann Arbor, Pere Marquette, Chesapeake and Ohio as it relates to the Pere Marquette, Michigan Central Railroads and my own Salt Creek Railroad. I am also interested in the Tuscola and Saginaw Bay Railway, the Great Lakes Central Railroad, CSX, Norfolk Southern, Union Pacific, and BNSF. You are welcome to give me advice.
Barry's Model Railroad