As I put together the component parts of what will be the Grand Kids layout I find I am having a blast. The layout will consist of 3 mainline tracks.
The design is simple, as it consists of simple ovals the inner oval is a 18 inch radius which will be used to model the BNSF Railway that much is already put together in the current Grand Kids layout.
The centeral oval is a 22 inch radius oval which will be used to model CSX Transportation. I have just begun to accumulate the track and rolling stock I need to use to make it a reality.
Finally the outer oval will be a 26 inch radius oval to model the Norfolk Southern Railway I have three packs of track on hold at Mountain Town Hobbies in Mount Pleasant Michigan I only need one more pack to complete the oval. the rolling stock and locomotives have already come in.
All of the track will be Bachmann EZtrack as I find it to be good track to use that looks good as well.
Modeling these railroads allows me to go coast to coast in the contental United States
This is an accounting of my attempts at model railroads N scale and HO or OO. I find it to be a lot of fun. I concentrate my efforts on The New York Central, Ann Arbor, Pere Marquette, Chesapeake and Ohio as it relates to the Pere Marquette, Michigan Central Railroads and my own Salt Creek Railroad. I am also interested in the Tuscola and Saginaw Bay Railway, the Great Lakes Central Railroad, CSX, Norfolk Southern, Union Pacific, and BNSF. You are welcome to give me advice.
Barry's Model Railroad

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