Barry's Model Railroad

Barry's Model Railroad

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Indoor Layout Update

A lot of work has been done on my indoor layout, and it occurred to me that I haven't posted any progress in a long time, so here we go:

The Farm is one of the first areas I had put together. There are cows and horses and a chicken coop behind the barn. The tractor is in the hay field with the farmer at the wheel. There is a lot more work left to be done on the ground cover.

Just down the track from the farm is the grain elevator and silos:

The Tuscola and Saginaw Bay Railway is having it's 3 bay center flow hoppers filled so the grain can be brought to market. Some trucks would add to this scene.

In the foreground you can see the lumber mill where the community can purchase their lumber for the construction going on in the neighborhood.

Near the Lumber mill is a hunting cabin where two hunters are getting ready for the hunt.

Every freight train needs a freight station to drop off the goods the train is transporting. Here we see the Tuscola and Saginaw Bay freight train pulling into the station.

Next to the freight station there is a swamp area due to the high water table in the area. On the other side of the swamp is a residential area

A jogger is out on the road taking a run. The homes in this residential area are nicely landscaped.

The residential area butts up against a forest where Deer play under the canopy.

The center of the forest is where I keep the power sources for the trains. I haven't found a good way to disguise them yet. on the other side of the forest is a lake where the townspeople go to cool off on a hot summers day.

The Tennis court is next to the beach, where there is a game in progress.

What I have shown you in this installment is only about 1/2 of the total layout. The second half is the downtown area some undeveloped space and the state prison. I will show them to you in a future installment.

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